Page 54 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 54

The Regulation of Urban
                                                                  Water Services. Experiences
                                                                  to be Analysed from Spain

                                                                  Aqualia has also collaborated in the
                                                                  publication of the book The regulation of
                                                                  urban water services. Experiences to be
                                                                  analysed from Spain which discusses the
                                                                  regulation and the relationship between
                                                                  public authorities, service operators
                                                                  and users in countries such as Germany,
                                                                  Australia, the United Kingdom, Portugal
                                                                  and Denmark.
           Front cover of the book “La Regulación de los Servicios Urbanos
           de Agua: Experiencias a analizar desde España“.        The book was published in collaboration
                                                                  with the Polytechnic University of Valen-
                                                                  cia (UPV), its organisation specialising in
           This communication effort by Aqualia during the
           year was also reflected in the ranking published       urban water management (ITA) and the
           annually by iAgua that positions the company as the    International Water Association (IWA).
           second most influential organisation in the sector
           in Spain and Latin America.
                                                              The family is also an important element to take
                                                              into account in relations with employees. For this
           ENHANCING EMPLOYEE                                 reason, and for seven years, Aqualia has held the
           RELATIONSHIPS                                      Pequeartistas Digital Drawing Competition for the
                                                              grandchildren and children of employees. In 2016,
                                                              it should be noted, participation in the competi-
           In the ambit of internal applications, Aqualia has   tion was also widened to the workers’ nieces and
           continued to enhance the relationship with its     nephews.
           employees through the Aqualia ONE intranet,
           information bulletins received by workers daily by
           e-mail, and Tu Flash, the monthly printed bulletin
           for personnel who do not have their own access
           to online information.
           It has also carried out other initiatives to encou-
           rage the transverse knowledge of all areas of the
           company and to promote interaction between
           the departments. For example, in Santa Catalina,
           Jaen, some 30 workers from administrative posts,
           meter readers, technical office and customer
           service in Jaen visited the waste water treatment
           plant in the municipality, operated by Aqualia
           since 1997. During the visit, the attendees took
           part in an information talk on the supply to the
           city and the integral management of the water
           cycle as well as the functioning of the WWTP.
           The purpose of these communications is to
           effectively provide employees, as ambassadors
           of the company, with structured information on
           the company and the sector that allows them to
           answer questions connected with the activity with
           full guarantee of proven reliability.
                                                              Winners and finalists in the 2016 Pequeartistas competition.

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