Page 5 - 2016 CSR Report
P. 5

Innovation is another cornerstone of our business   These and many other matters help us to maintain
           and one that helps us to keep making improvements   our position and keep on growing with new con-
           to efficient, sustainable water management. In 2016   tracts and awards. And all Aqualia’s employees
           we have been pleased to launch new RDI projects    have a stake in making this possible, with their hard
           focused on wastewater treatment. Our intention is   work, professionalism and human qualities. Because,
           to improve energy performance and efficiency and   this year once again they have demonstrated their
           obtain new products with greater added value from   degree of involvement and commitment towards
           the waste that is generated at treatment plants.   society. Good examples of this are the many local
                                                              initiatives that have been put into practice in the
           In 2010 we were the first company in the sector to   districts where we operate, including their coope-
           be awarded the Equality Enterprise seal from the   ration in the efforts to combat domestic violence
           Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.   through the #AqualiaWithYou campaign, in which
           And now we have presented the fifth action report,   nearly 2,000 employees have been involved.
           which the ministry has backed, positively valuing the
           awareness-building campaigns devised by Aqualia    I trust that you will find Aqualia’s social-responsi-
           for International Women’s Day (8 March) and the    bility report to be of interest to you, and urge you
           International Day for the Elimination of Violence   to join me for the next one, when I’m certain that
           Against Women (25 November). The training the      we will be able speak once again of our company’s
           company has organised, particularly with a view    #TrueCommitment to contribute towards improving
           to increasing women’s presence in senior positions,   people’s quality of life.
           such as the High-Potential Women management
           programme, the mentoring programme to foster       Regards,
           female talent, and the workshops “Lead Your Own    Félix Parra Mediavilla
           Future” and “Supporting Talent”.
                                                              General Director

           1. LETTER FROM THE GENERAL DIRECTOR                                                                 5
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