Page 4 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 4
09 G4-1, G4-2
Message from the General Manager
All that matters
One of the great challenges now facing society is millions of people’s comes first in our activities. Aqualia has measured its carbon
lack of access to water and sanitation around different parts of the footprint for all its activities worldwide, making it the first operator
world, which the United Nations has again included among the in Spain to undertake such a challenge. Another major feat from
Sustainable Development Goals for our world. last year was the calculation of Cantabria’s water footprint, which
was the first of its kind to be carried out in Spain. This activity was
Managing water resources is a strategic activity in social and the result of Aqualia’s collaboration with the Botín Foundation, the
economic development, creating an environment conducive to all Department of the Environment of the Regional Government of
kinds of activities and enabling the sustainable growth of urban Cantabria, the University of Cantabria and the Complutense and
centres. In this way, our activity also helps generate wealth and Polytechnic Universities of Madrid.
produces a positive impact on society as a whole.
We translate this dedicated commitment to the environment to the
With that being said, it is also a highly specialised sector that work we do in every single municipality. This can be demonstrated
requires expert involvement at all stages of the comprehensive by our participation in the underwater clean-up of the Estany des
water cycle. This calls for adequate infrastructure and facilities, not Peix, a lagoon located to the north of Formentera in the Ses Salines
to mention professionals who have been specifically trained for this Natural Park.
purpose. In this regard, and thanks to our high degree of innovation
and professionalism, Aqualia has successfully implemented major We care about the environment and we care about the citizens,
international projects. In 2015, we were awarded the biggest the people. We have created, and continue to create, mechanisms
contract in our history; the design, construction and operation in partnership with different municipalities to ensure access to
of the Abu Rawash treatment plant located in Cairo (Egypt). This drinking water and sanitation to those who genuinely cannot afford
plant will serve over five and a half million people, making it one these services. We have supported different local organisations
of the biggest plants of its kind in the world. In 2015 we were nationwide to commemorate the International Day of Persons
also awarded our third largest contract in Arabia, which entails the with Disabilities. We are also concerned about the employment
management of the two wastewater treatment plants in Mecca. prospects of young people in the areas we work in; this is why
we have joined the Alianza para la Formación Profesional Dual
It is important to note that we approach each and every one of [Partnership for Dual Vocational Training], offering our expertise
our projects with clear environmental awareness. Upholding our to facilitate their insertion into the job market.
commitment to protect the environment and tackle climate change
4 Message